White King and the Seat at the Table
by Lee Kessler
Time to know who is really behind the medical tyranny entrapping us? Lee Kessler’s book, White King and the Seat at the Table, reveals the truth of what is going on, but in fiction form. This allows the reader to enjoy a gripping read that puts the pieces of the puzzle together—the who and the why.
We’ve seen the writing on the wall that these days would come upon us. Now this very real nightmare is here. And one needs to understand the full picture, not just a sliver. Discover the plan, how it is being executed, the end goal of such evil, and the way out. Life will continue. However, it is up to us to determine whether we will be living in a new Dark Age or a new Renaissance.
Time to know who is really behind the medical tyranny entrapping us? Lee Kessler’s book, “White King and the Seat at the Table,” reveals the truth of what is going on, but in fiction form. This allows the reader to enjoy a gripping read that puts the pieces of the puzzle together—the who and the why.
We’ve seen the writing on the wall that these days would come upon us. Now this very real nightmare is here. And one needs to understand the full picture, not just a sliver. Discover the plan, how it is being executed, the end goal of such evil, and the way out. Life will continue. However, it is up to us to determine whether we will be living in a new Dark Age or a new Renaissance.
Once in a lifetime comes a work of fiction that addresses an existing horror in such a way that it can help save humanity and change the course of history. That is White King and the Seat at the Table. This is the call to action needed to stop the world-enslaving Great Reset in its tracks. Read it like your life depends upon it because it does—yours and generations to come.
— Tom Solari, Award-Winning Filmmaker and Screenwriter (“America!” and “In Search of Liberty”)
White King and the Seat at the Table will open the floodgates of intrigue and the dilemma of a country on the edge of elimination. Lee Kessler has once again proven herself to be a master of storytelling with a true understanding of the sordid options and goals of the few who control from within, while holding, at the same time, “a seat at the table.” This book blew me away!
— Gerald R. Molen, Academy Award-Winning Producer (Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, and 2016: Obama’s America)
In an era where fiction has become synonymous with fantasy, Kessler has crafted a series as grounded as it is grand. This return to the “White King” series is equal parts plausible, purposeful, and personally challenging. It is a compelling and insightful novel from a truly gifted storyteller.
— Mark Nathan, Entrepreneur and Author (“The Delusion of Passion”)
“Truth revealed, both damning and liberating.”
“I was hooked from the first chapter and found myself unable to put the book down.”
“This book blew me away.”
“A book for the generations.”
“An ending you’ve just got to read.”
Available in Kindle, paperback and hardcover

The People’s Guide to the U.S. Constitution
by Dave Kluge
Although we are constantly bombarded with arguments over Constitutional issues in the media, surveys show the majority of Americans have not read and understood our Constitution even though it is just 25 pages long. The reason? The language is over 200 years old with unusual words and legal terms.
This book is an easy-to-read, spin-free guide to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, additional amendments, and the Declaration of Independence. It provides both the essential historical context and important definitions of the language used at the time. One can read straight through these original texts and gain confidence in understanding the agreements which guarantee our freedoms.
This book will help answer these questions: Are our rights being protected or eroded? What is the true purpose of government and what are its duties? Why was the Bill of Rights written? Individuals should read this book to protect their rights and liberty and insist their elected officials read and understand the U.S. Constitution.
Available in Kindle, paperback and hardcover
“The Constitution — perhaps America’s most important document. But what does it actually all mean to the modern, every day America? The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution is a thorough and comprehensive guide put in the common terms that everyone can understand, free of the spin artists that readers so often see on political news programs. Presenting the original text of the document and then giving a complete run down to what it really means, it’s a must for anyone who wishes to truly understand the United States Constitution. ”
—Jim Cox, Midwest Book Review
“This book made understanding the Constitution very easy. The difference in language style that the Declaration and Constitution has compared to modern English can make the task seem difficult. The writer provides excellent definitions of uncommon words to help you along. What I loved best about this book is the writer also gives you the historical context so you can see what the founding fathers were dealing with when they wrote these very important documents, which gives a much deeper understanding. He keeps it very politically neutral, not trying to push any kind of agenda, so you can tell all the writer cares about is helping more people understand their government.”
—David Pulcifer
“I got recommended this book by a friend because I told him I wanted to learn the constitution with my younger brother and sister who is 16 and 17 years old. We are not done with the book yet but even the parts leading up to the constitution are super good basics to know and we are enjoying it very much and it is very easy to learn. On the authors website there’s also a study guide that you can follow along with the book that has you read certain chapters and then do discussion questions or essays and so on. Dad has also been really fun when doing a little study group like we are doing we can all discuss different points and ask questions in the group. It also has a glossary in the back but you can look up certain words and the specific definitions that pertain to the words in the book. I definitely recommend this book to anyone of any age whether it be a kid or an adult who wants to learn the Constitution.”
“America needs this!! To be honest I knew the constitution should be protected but didn’t really understand it. Touching upon it briefly in high school was not enough to truly understand it. This book is invaluable! Remember you can’t protect your rights if you don’t know them! Any remember the constitution was put there to protect you FROM the Government. Don’t let them take it away. Know it, own it!”
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