Pro-Constitution Organization Puts Free Constitutions in The Hands of American 8th Graders!
The U.S. Constitution sets forth the basic principles that underlie the freedoms enjoyed by America. It establishes guidance on the limitations and powers of government, how the government is structured, and the responsibilities for creating laws and upholding them. But are our children actually learning what is in the Constitution?
In 2004, Congress wisely adopted the provision that “Every school and college that receives federal money must teach about the Constitution on Sept. 17, the day the document was adopted in 1787.” September 17 is designated both Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.
Too many schools have simply ignored this law. In response, Joni Bryan and the 917 Society have started a nationwide movement to provide a program on the Constitution for every 8th-grade classroom in the country.
The 917 Society website has free resources for children and adults of all ages to learn their Constitution. Her organization works tirelessly, with the help of volunteers and donors, to encourage young people to know the rights given to them by the U.S. Constitution as citizens.
The 917 society is an organization made up of people who care about our country. Anyone can join the 917 Society to help ensure the youth of America understand the importance of active citizenship, recognize the enduring strength of our Constitution, and reaffirm their commitment to the rights and obligations of citizenship in this great Nation.
The 917 Society Constitution Program honoring and celebrating Constitution Day is now available in all 50 states as of 2022. They have reached out to over 27,000 middle school principals to let them know about the free program for their students, provided by generous donors.
Find out how you can you can SPONSOR AN ENTIRE CLASSROOM for $25.
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